Finally the internet line is back! After say..2 weeks? Felt like a month though -.-
Let's see, latest updates:
Well, it is the second week?? Of holidays =D
I have been doing what i planned to do after my exams.
Dance, perform, help out with house chores, shop for my room, clean and arranged my room, L4D..
What else...
Cooking and baking for family and get job and basketball? and baking, soon. But job? Soon (i guess). Basketball? I'm really sorry bballer friends. I have the time, but no ball to train back. If only someone, anyone could understand my needs =(
Today is 6th of April, tomorrow is 7th, and it is our performing day. Our coach, Vida went for her Industrial training =( Hopefully, we will not let her down for all her hard work!
OMG OMG! One thing i wanted to say before it slip my mind : I cant believe the radio station would play that song "Friday" by Rebecca Black =/ Pfft..seriously...
There's so many things i want to say, there is too much actually, that i cannot think of a proper way to put it.
Another one, i was damn pissed off at the service provided by my UNIVERSITY! So i got a new address right, and i purposely went to Uni to inform the management so they can update my profile. What they did, 'tell' me to go back and bloody print a form, fill it up and give back to the office. WTH! I was there, right in front of them with their bloody computers! Why can't they just edit it there and then! Blardy money suckers! And i heard June they are actually charging for parking. Might as well pay toll in the corridor -.- GTH
Oh yeah, my new room, with the new furniture and tidiness. Super! I love it! Love my friends, Andrew and Yinying for helping me and accompanying me to accomplish it.
*Thinking of what to wear for stage tomorrow*
I want to go for a vacation! Australia maybe. Don't mind going alone, but still would want a company though, close friend or relative, would be awesome. And visit my cousins there, how much i miss them. I don't know..should i go for it? Should take into consideration the weather there as well. My dad says winter is in June. I so want to go then, but class would be starting not long after that. Dilemma dilemma!
Alright, i'll stop here for now. Cant stop thinking bout tomorrow. Nervous much? It's not like u never been on a stage before Chia! U can do it!
Woo! Nitez =D