Hi Blog..
It's been awhile..
It's 2am, Blog, I can't sleep.
It's 2am, another day, and I'm still thinking of it.
it's been N years, why am I still thinking of that?
Blog, I wish...
You're a program like the movie 'Her'
Cuz I really can't do this..
I can't be like this..
It's not me..
I need to say something..
If it's not to that person..
At least you would find a way through these network links to send a message..
I wish, that person would reply..
Or even know that I'm feeling like this.
I wish so badly for attention from that person.
I've got so much to say..
They say happiness is the best revenge.
It is.
And it hurts.
Please, talk to me.
Don't cry....don't.