Saturday, April 14, 2012

I gotta say..

Just signed a contract with Conrad Hotel, SINGAPORE few days ago, when Taylor's had this career fair.

There is though, a feeling of guilt for not keeping to my word of going overseas with a friend. I'm sorry but, there are just too many things on my mind, and it all happened so fast with the conversation I had with Conrad's HR manager. Suddenly, we were negotiating with terms ad discussing about the future plans. I really didn't plan to leave her and go on my own, but i just happened. =(

So there it is, I'll be away from my family for a total of 6 months. It is sad thinking about it, adding to the fact that it is going to be my 1st time away, so far, where they can't just drive by and drop me things or pick me up during my day offs, for sucha a long time. I've been away before, but all of them were like what, not even exceeding 3 months each. This is going to be a hard goodbye. Real..hard.

Anyways, I've decided not ot think about saying goodbye just yet, since i still have less than 2months to share my time with them, i'm going to make the best out of it. On the bright side, yes, I am looking forward for this internship. First of all, i get to be more independant, (well not really since some of my other friends are goin along), but still! Secondly, it is my first time working, internationally, and earning money that is not in RM. Kinda excited. Oh, and the main reason why I'm so excited is, i talked to my mom about getting a motorbike after earning enough. She disapproved, but in a way, there is a small tiny bit, maybe 2%? Of approval. Sorry, but i've always wanted a bike since like forever, I'm going to get it anyway if so happens, I move out or something. Thus, that 2%..means a bunch to me and yes, I am going to get a bike, with that 'approval'. (After earning enough of course)

This concludes the feelings that are so called bothering me. It's like there is a devilish and angelic conscience on each side of my shoulder whispering (really loudly) day and night, the goods and bads of this decision (going to SG). Unfortunately, what is done is done right?

Hopefully, there is no hard feelings towards anybody with this =( If there is, Sorry sincerely, for i know not what have been unintentionally done.

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