If only there is a place/people/thing where i could just go to every time i feel angry or feel like hating.
Some people can just keep things inside and have their own way of dealing with things, but mine is i cannot deal it on my own. I have to tell someone. Not like there's anybody i can really count on right now though.
How i wish so badly there's this i don't know..place? Where people just go and release their anger or hatred. Shout out the names that they hate and curse them to hell and everyone is normal to the reactions there. A place where anybody can just go and give a blast off their angry minds.
I wish for the existence of something/someone..a robot or fairy godmother perhaps just for listening to your problems or worries. That way i could yell everything out, and not feel bad about talking too badly or talking too much. And not have to listen to their stories in return, in the end, resulting in both parties being worked up about their problems, instead of feeling better. Self centered? I know. That is why i would prefer talking to a robot or fairy instead of human.
YOU piss me off all the time man, even the sight or the thought of YOU pisses me off. How can i get rid of YOU? Ugh. Reasons why i desperately wish those things i wished for.
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